Tuesday, May 15, 2012


" By the time Tory and Allarde had finished the weather session, the guns were much louder. Halfway up the steps to the deck, she stopped in her tracks, staring. The cool gray skies of the English Channel had been replaced by the fire and fury of a war zone.
          They were nearing Dunkirk and smoke billowed from the burning port, black against the sky. An acrid stench bit Tory's nostrils, overwhelming the scents of the sea.
         Ships were everywhere. Little ships moving in both directions, a destroyer berthed at the mole, and a boat burning in between. Perhaps a passenger ferry. Tory prayed it hadnt been carrying passengers when it was hit.
          Grim-faced, Nick stood at the wheel while Polly perched in the bow and scanned the water for mines and dangerous debris. Lesser debris- boots, a helmet, something Tory couldnt bear to look at - bumped the sides of the boat.
           Ahead ere the wide, sandy beaches of the French coast. Masses of men waited onshore and among the sand dunes, and ragged lines of soldiers had waded out into the water up to their chests."

This discription of a setting helps to inhance my reading, because it gives me something to picture in my mind. After i read this, and i close my eyes, i can see the sky filled with fire, and when the author tells of what Tory sees hitting the said of the boat, it leaves me open to imagine what the "something Tory couldn't bear to look at" to be.

Since this book is about time traveling, i think Tory and her friends would handle my world very well. The reason for this is that Tory and her friends have already gone through time to the time period of WWII where they are helping in the war. Since my life isnt one that is so directly involved in war, i think they would view my life as easy, and that Tory and her friends would be able to handle it with ease. I also think that they would view my life as a vacation compared to the lives they live in their own time.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The main character Tory reminds me a lot of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. The reason for this is that Tory ends up getting tossed into a world that is nothing like her own, yet it is still similar, which is very similar to what happens to Dorothy. Tory when running away from people who were trying to catch her, fell through a mirror, which she thought was a normal mirror, and ended up in a tunnel similar to the one she had just tumbled out of. Tory then climbs out of the tunnel and soon realizes that she is not in her world, she is over 100 years into the future, and nothing is like it was before, and all she wants is to go back to her time. This is similar to Dorothy, because Dorothy is thrown into the land of Oz and all she wants is to go home. This is how my book relates to another book/movie. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


A character that i love in this book so far is Jack Rainford. I like this character, because he is funny. He also reminds me of some of my friends. The reasn for this is that there is a part in the book when the main character, Tory, meets Jack, and Tory tells Jack her name, and Jack ends up saying, "Miss Vicky. It suits you." Tory really doesnt like this name, which is the part that reminds me of my friends. Not only are my friends always making up different names for each other, but also when i tell them not to do something they always have a tendency to go right ahead and do it, and they do it with humor. This is very similar to what Jack does. Jack would probably turn in the $100, because even though he likes to be funny, when he needs to be serious, he is.
This is a picture of ruins by the sea shore. This relates to the book, because for one most of the book is set near the sea, and second the main character, Tory, ends up going back in time, and the school she goes to, Lackland Abby, is, in the future, in ruins and it is by the coast.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The book I choose for my independent reading book is Dark Mirror, by M. J. Putney. The reason i choose this book was because it was one of the books in my room that i wanted to read but i never get the time to read. I like to read, so finding a book for me wasnt hard, espeically since i already had some books that i wanted to read. This assignment will give me the chance to read a book that i want to, and I'm actually looking forward to it. The reason i am interested in reading this book is that it's in the genre that i like to read. I like reading about stuff that isnt truely possible. This is why i choose this book for my independent reading book.