Tuesday, May 8, 2012


A character that i love in this book so far is Jack Rainford. I like this character, because he is funny. He also reminds me of some of my friends. The reasn for this is that there is a part in the book when the main character, Tory, meets Jack, and Tory tells Jack her name, and Jack ends up saying, "Miss Vicky. It suits you." Tory really doesnt like this name, which is the part that reminds me of my friends. Not only are my friends always making up different names for each other, but also when i tell them not to do something they always have a tendency to go right ahead and do it, and they do it with humor. This is very similar to what Jack does. Jack would probably turn in the $100, because even though he likes to be funny, when he needs to be serious, he is.
This is a picture of ruins by the sea shore. This relates to the book, because for one most of the book is set near the sea, and second the main character, Tory, ends up going back in time, and the school she goes to, Lackland Abby, is, in the future, in ruins and it is by the coast.

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