Thursday, May 10, 2012


The main character Tory reminds me a lot of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. The reason for this is that Tory ends up getting tossed into a world that is nothing like her own, yet it is still similar, which is very similar to what happens to Dorothy. Tory when running away from people who were trying to catch her, fell through a mirror, which she thought was a normal mirror, and ended up in a tunnel similar to the one she had just tumbled out of. Tory then climbs out of the tunnel and soon realizes that she is not in her world, she is over 100 years into the future, and nothing is like it was before, and all she wants is to go back to her time. This is similar to Dorothy, because Dorothy is thrown into the land of Oz and all she wants is to go home. This is how my book relates to another book/movie. 

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